I've been through a rigid screening from english exam down to the profile interview, technical interview with Sir Mark with a score of 18/20 and a final interview with the client - Daniel and Matthias. At last, God allowed me and have given me the strength to surpass them all. Again, I believe if it wasn't the will of God for me at this company I won't be able to pass each stage.
I was informed today that before my final employment, I had to pass my medical exam plus some background checking. While seating at the couch at the company's lobby, I am praying to God asking Him to give me a favor not to have the background checking. It was too hard for me to admit that I was terminated due to some false accusations that I wasn't able to defend myself due to financial shortcomings. All I ask the Lord, "Lord if it is your will for me to be employed here then spare me from background checking." and it was. Before I left the office, I was advised by Sir Paulo - the MicroSourcing Outsourcing Talent Specialist, that normally an employee should have passed the medical exam and background checking before any formal employment. But for this account, Web Guide Partner, they are not concerned with the background checking...whowww... praise God. I smiled in my heart and while walking back home I was praising God- thanking Him on how He have orchestrated everything.
If I pass the medical exam, I believe that it is the will of God. Again, my faith will be tested. If I win then it is for me. Lord, I know wherever you landed my feet, it is the best place I could ever be. I love You Lord. I give you back all the glory, honor and praise.... Hallelujah....